General Description:

ECO-SHIELD Pro-Treat + is a superior deicing product designed to increase the melting power with a rapid fire for treating granular salt with even more corrosion inhibitor properties than ECO-SHIELD Pro-Treat. ECO-SHIELD Pro-Treat + uses a unique blend of Carbohydrates/Corrosion Inhibitors which was developed to prevent tracking with deicing professionals in mind looking to maximize the effectiveness of rock salt.ECO-SHIELD Pro-Treat ++ is a high-performance, odorless, translucent enhancer specifically engineered to improve the melting capacity of traditional chloride deicers by slowing the rate of ice re-crystallization as the rock salt turns to brine and becomes diluted. Some Ingredients have been used for over 20 years and trusted by deicing professionals across North America, giving ECO-SHIELD Pro-Treat + engineered performance you can count on for consistent and reliable performance with every use.

Key Features:

ECO-SHIELD Pro-Treat + is engineered to be your rock salt treatment solution.

    ECO-SHIELD Pro-Treat + + improves the viscosity which helps:

  • Reduce fugitive sodium chloride dust and increase the operational window of sodium chloride.

  • Helps reduce bounce and scatter.

  • Reduces leaching when used as stockpile treatment.

  • ECO-SHIELD Pro-Treat +improves the melting capacity of sodium chloride which lowers the working temperature to help maximize the rock salt potential.

  • ECO-SHIELD Pro-Treat +treated rock salt can be used at reduced application rates compared to traditional sodium chloride, without sacrificing performance.

  • ECO-SHIELD Pro-Treat + i improves operational efficiency by allowing snow removal crews to cover more ground with the same amount of product.

  • ECO-SHIELD Pro-Treat +offers a less corrosive alternative which increases the operational effectiveness when used for frost prevention compared to straight rock salt.


ECO-SHIELD Pro-Treat +is designed for flexibility depending on your needs, including, pre wetting of solids or stockpile treatment.

  • Pre-wetting: As a pre-wetting agent,ECO-SHIELD Pro-Treat + can be used at rates from 5-7 gallons per ton of granular material, depending upon the solid used and the performance objective. When added at the spinner, ECO-SHIELD Pro-Treat +can improve the rate at which the rock salt penetrates the snowpack by initiating the liquification of the solid faster, especially at lower temperatures. ECO-SHIELD Pro-Treat +will also reduce the bounce and scatter keeping the rock salt where it is needed.

  • Stockpile Treatment: ECO-SHIELD Pro-Treat +is an effective for stockpile treatment due to the improved viscosity of the brine. Treating a stockpile with 4-7 gallons ofECO-SHIELD Pro-Treat +per ton of granular material greatly enhances the performance of the stockpile, especially at colder temperatures. The increased performance, along with the reduced bounce and scatter experienced when using a wetted solid, translates into a reduction in the amount of material required. Due to the added corrosion inhibition, treating salt with ECO-SHIELD Pro-Treat +reduces the corrosion of infrastructure and equipment caused by rock salt. Similar to using ECO-SHIELD Pro-Treat + in a pre-wetting system, the rock salt will penetrate the snowpack faster.

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